Flat copper braids

Field of application

  • machine buliging
  • machine tools
  • air conditioning
  • lightning protection
  • application with higher temperaturs
  • rolling stock



flat copper braid 46444


flat copper braids

blank or tinned



 copper blank or tinned
♦ flat 1 up ti 350mm2

♦ wire diamter 0.05 up to 0.20mm
♦ according to DIN EN 46444
♦ highly flexible

flat copper braid 13602


flat copper braids

blank or tinned


  ♦ copper blank or tinned
♦ flat 1 up to 168mm2
♦ wire diameter 0.05 up to 0.10mm
♦ according to DIN EN 13602
♦ highly flexible
 flat copper braid

flat copper braids

blank or tinned


♦ copper blank or tinned

♦ flat 10 up to 70mm2

♦ wire diameter 0.16 or 0.20mm

♦ flexible

 flat braid stainless steel V2A



flat braids

stainless steel V2A




♦ stainless steel 1.4301

♦ flat 3 up to50mm2

♦ wire diameter 0.10mm

♦ highly flexible

flat braid stainless steel V2A

flat braids

stainless steel V4A


♦ stainless steel 1.4401

♦ flat 25 up to 70mm2

♦ wire diameter 0.20mm

♦ highly flexible